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Zizi Lvl 1


Zizi Lvl 50

Star-level: ☆☆☆☆☆

Rarity:   Super Rare

Energy Cost: 19

HP: Base - 4720

Power: Base - 4330

Spell: Heavy Armor- Restores 100% of the card's HP when the card's level cannot go up anymore.

College: Godef College 

Illustrator: STAR MAGE

Intro:  Zizi looks cold though she is actually quite hospitable. Few students of the Skyrage College are acquainted with Zizi. Someone has even said she is merely a student nominally because of her age and she has actually been working in the Academy of Science.

Obtain: Defeat her during Final Test event.

Ultimate Form

Level: 50 / 90

HP: 8770 / 18300

Power: 9570 / 16900
