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Perfect-Tasa Level 1 (Flash)


Perfect-Tasa Level 50 (Flash)

Star Level: ☆☆☆☆☆

Rarity: Super Rare

Energy Cost: 21 

HP: Base - 5656 / 6222 (Flash)

Power: Base - 4351 / 4786 (Flash)

Spell: When the opponent has more HP, Power increases by a larger margin. 

College: Skyrage College

Illustrator: spirtie

Intro: Tasa, a tehnical backbone of the campus guard monitor centre, is proficient at numerical control and network. But if she left her own monitor dispatcher station, she would easily break glasses, fell down or hit a pole. What a careless girl!

Obtain: Tournament Ranking rewards (November 30th - December 27th 2014)

Ultimate Form

Level: 50 / 50 (Flash) / 90 / 90 (Flash)

HP: 13801 / 15181 / 25380 /  27918

Power: 10616 / 11678 / 19523 / 21475
