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Mia Level 1

Star Level: ☆

Rarity:  Normal

Energy Cost: 3

HP: Base - 790

Power: Base - 320

Max Limit Break: 3

Spell: #Special Habitus - Restores 20% of the card's HP.

College: Skyrage College

Illustrator: Ransu Ye

Intro: For most people, Mia seems too passionate and enthusiastic. She likes swimming. She looks pretty stalwart. Her high-performance pulse gun can hit enemies from afar.


Ultimate Mia Level 19

Obtain: Kindness Draw, Normal Infector drop.

Ultimate Form

Lvl: 19 / 19 (Flash) / 40 / 40 (Flash)

HP: 1480 / 1628 (Flash) / ___ / ___ (Flash)

Power: 700 / 770 (Flash) / ___ / ___ (Flash)
