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Taka Lvl 1

Star Level: ☆☆☆☆

Rarity: Rare+

Energy Cost: 19 

HP: Base - 2740

Power: Base - 4270

Max Level:

Spell: Ghostclaw: Stardust Delude- Power increases by 50%. 

College: Dragonale College 

Illustrator: Chingo Muyi

Intro: Taka is pretty gluttonous, but nobody has said she did not train hard. She is a real battle genius. Her teachers worry she would be wounded severely if she always fought as hard as before, so they suggest she have an operation to improve her own physical fitness.

Taka Lvl 32 Ult Form

Taka Lvl 32 Ult Form

Obtain: Coupon Draw, Greater Draw, Berserk Infector drop.

Ultimate Form

Level: 32 /

HP: 7200 / ___

Power: 6590 / ___
