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Banny Ditel

Banny Ditel Level 1


Ultimate Banny Ditel Level 90

Star Level: ☆☆☆☆☆

Rarity: Super Rare

Energy Cost: 14

HP: Base - 2100

Power: Base - 4000

Spell: Demonic Stick - When the opponent has less HP, Power increases by a larger margin.

College: Dragonale College

Illustrator: Chingo Muyi

Intro:  Banny Ditel's greatsword will burn and become pretty light when injected power of stardust. Sometimes he even uses his greatsword to carve.

Obtain: Daily Sign-In Rewards during the month of July 2014.

Ultimate Form

Level: 50 / 90

HP: 3200 / 8300

Power: 9000 / 14500
