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Almu Level 1 (Flash)

Almu Lvl 60 Ult Form (Flash)

Ultimate Almu Level 60 (Flash)

Star Level: ☆☆☆☆☆☆

Rarity: Super Rare+

Energy Cost: 25 

HP: Base - 6200 / 6820 (Flash)

Power: Base - 6600 / 7260 (Flash)

Max Limit Break: 4

Spell: Rap: True Talent - Power increases by 200%

College: Dragonale College 

Illustrator: FlowerSpring

Intro: Almu is able to wield fire and make things explode. She is definitely a destructive fighter.  Many scientist has been studying about her abilities and some of them have even died for that. However, nobody has clearly known about her abilities.

Obtain: Super Draw, Point Draw, Greater Draw during 'Date of Dragonale' event

Ultimate Form

Level: 60 / 60 (Flash) / 100 / 100 (Flash)

HP: 13100 / 14410 (Flash) / 25300 / 27830 (Flash)

Power: 13600 / 14960 (Flash) / 24900 / 27390 (Flash)
