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Alina Level 1

Alina vl 50

Ultimate Alina Level 50

Star Level: ☆☆☆☆☆

Rarity:  Super Rare

Energy Cost: 16 

HP: Base - 3890

Power: Base - 3200

Max Limit Break: 4

Spell: Wind/Blade Slicing - Increases Power by 100% when the card's level cannot go up anymore. 

College: Godef College 

Illustrator: Chris (Japan)

Intro: Alina is able to block X substances using mineral substances though she likes to collect various dazzling gems.

Obtain: Defeat her during 'Date of Dragonale' event.

Ultimate Form

Level: 50 / 90

HP: 5580 / 7500

Power: 6540 / 11750


Not to be confused with Allita.
